
Yakima City Council
District 7

Reedy Berg

As your city council member, I am committed to


Your voice matters to me. I will prioritize your opinions and concerns by hosting regular town hall meetings, ensuring that your input shapes our city's future.


Transparency is crucial. I will uphold honesty and openness, keeping you informed about the decisions I make and providing clear explanations for the reasoning behind them.

Responsible Action

Every taxpayer dollar should be used wisely. I will diligently examine budgets, striving to eliminate wasteful spending and ensure that our resources are used effectively.

Unwavering Integrity

My actions will always reflect the values of our community. I pledge to stay true to my word, constantly asking myself, “Will this action bring pride to our city?”

Initiatives I'm passionate about

Reedy Berg is committed to improving Downtown Yakima

Revitalizing Small Businesses

By offering tax incentives and addressing homelessness, we can revitalize our downtown area, fostering growth and prosperity for small businesses and reducing the homeless population.

Combating Homelessness

I am determined to implement proven outreach programs that facilitate the transition of more homeless individuals into stable housing. My goal is to increase the percentage of those in transitional housing from 17% to 50%.

Reedy Berg is committed to improving combatting homelessness in Yakima
Reedy Berg is committed to improving education in Yakima

Supporting Education

As an educator myself, I understand the importance of investing in our schools. By supporting the education of our future workforce, we can create opportunities that benefit everyone in our community.

Crime Reduction

Domestic violence is a pressing issue in Yakima County. I will collaborate closely with law enforcement agencies and community organizations to enhance identification and prevention methods, effectively reducing such crimes.

Reedy Berg is committed to reducing crime in Yakima

Get Involved

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Follow my Facebook page for regular updates on my initiatives and progress.

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Volunteer your time and expertise to contribute to our shared vision.

Donate to support our campaign and ensure a brighter future for Yakima.

Common Questions

What motivated you to run for city council?

Born and raised in Yakima, I am deeply invested in our community. Raising my own family here, I am driven by the desire to improve the lives of all residents and make Yakima a better place for everyone.

Why should I vote for you if you lack political experience?

While I may not have a political background, I believe this to be an advantage. My fresh perspective allows me to prioritize listening to constituents and their needs, making me a true representative of the community.

How can you understand the needs of business owners without being one yourself?

To gain insight into the concerns of business owners, I have actively engaged with numerous local entrepreneurs. Through these conversations, common themes emerged, including ideas for how to make it easier to start a small business and provide support for the small business once it's open,

How can I be certain that you will listen to your constituents?

I am committed to genuine representation. I will maintain an open and transparent approach, organizing regular town hall meetings where you can voice your thoughts and suggestions. Additionally, my email newsletter will keep you informed about ongoing developments in our city and council decisions..